Extreme Giving

So you guys, in my last post I talked about giving sacrificially.  Well, THIS is an inspiring model of giving radically. A story of someone who is giving when logic would say he should be saving every penny he can.  This is an example of someone living in obedience when it is risky, of  trusting that God is good–that He can be trusted even when we humans can’t see a happy next chapter just yet.   (Read more by clicking:  HERE.) Scroll to the bottom for the story


Did you follow the link? Well, please take two minutes to read the story.  It’s short and worth the read.

This story is extra special special, too, because it’s related to our next step here in Atlanta.  A couple, Dwight and Zonya Gingerich have agreed to move to Atlanta to serve with Steve and I in our community and to start a church together.

Two weeks ago they found a charming house that is such a great fit for their family and is located within walking distance of our house. They were ready to make an offer, but there were a few logistical complications with the loan process. Some just-for-fun brainstorming online and lots of unexpected support led to the hatching of plan unlike anything we’ve seen before.

Um, what? Well, Dwight and Zonya are getting their loan by the collaborative effort of an incredibly generous network of friends, acquaintances and fellow believers.  That’s right, people are currently pledging a loan amount of their choice (currently ranging in amounts from $75-$5,000). Their goal is $80,000 and in just a few days they have raised nearly half of that amount which certainly speaks of their reputable character.

They could use your help. If you are interested in being a part of the body of Christ coming together to support each other through financial giving in an admittedly unconventional way, read Dwight’s blog post (HERE) where he describes in detail the story, the plan, and the legal considerations.

Here’s the Cliffs Christy’s Notes version:  Pledge to loan any amount. ($250 and $500 are two popular amounts.)  After at least 60K has been pledged, you will receive information for where to send a check. Dwight and Zonya will then make an offer on the house and will repay the lenders the amount loaned + 10% interest at random within 15 years. If you would choose to loan them, say $300, sometime within fifteen years you will have the fun of receiving a surprise $330 in your mailbox.

As you can imagine, they are on a faith journey as they wait for God to provide funding for the house. Even if you aren’t able to pledge a gift or loan, please pray that God would give them peace and courage as they wait and that He would provide for their housing needs.  We have confidence in Him.


2 thoughts on “Extreme Giving”

  1. That’s so awesome about the unconventional loan. But I want to know more about the church you are starting. Are you more excited or scared? What details are you free to share at this point?

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